Análisis del manejo integral de propiedad, planta y equipo con aplicación a las normas técnicas de contabilidad gubernamental de conformidad con el acuerdo ministerial N° 067, en la Empresa Pública Municipal de Movilidad, Tránsito y Transporte de Cuenca (EMOV-EP) en el periodo 2019
Lozano Arévalo, Paúl Gustavo
Tenezaca Patiño, Mónica Alexandra
The present Project is focused in a property, plant and equipment assets
analysis form Empresa Pública Municipal de Movilidad, Tránsito y Transporte
de Cuenca, to the purpose of providing reliable and real information, by
determining the physical existence of the assets that make up this group and
checking the balances presented in financial staments.
The mixed approach was used to the study, linking quantitative information
analysis about the accounting balances and qualitative to describe the most
relevant procedures of propriety, plant and equipment.
Thereby, from the analysis carried out it can be seen the real relevance of
asset’s group of propriety, plant and equipment in the financial statements .As
a result the existence of errors or omissions in the calculation of depreciation
values , shortcomings found in low, classification and donation. Also,
deficiencies in administration and control of assets.
Finally, the impact generated by the drawbacks found in the data analyzed in
relation to the results of the financial statements. Allowing to improve asset
management by providing a real and value information