Propuesta de innovación de productos turísticos para la red de turismo comunitario Pakariñan en la comunidad: Carmen de Jadán
Idrovo Torres, Domenica Priscila
Puin Encalada, Raquel Fernanda
The intervention project "Proposal for tourist products innovation for the community
tourism network Pakariñan in the community: Carmen de Jadan" is of great
importance for tourism activation since this community presents a great wealth of
natural and cultural attractions. This project has been carried out in conjunction
with the Pakariñan community tourism network, which articulates different
communities focused on tourism, economic and social development through its
For this study, a situational diagnosis of current offer of Jatari Warmi organization
has been made through field visits and interviews with members. On the other
hand, the profile of the potential Community tourist was identified through surveys
carried out at different points of interest in the city of Cuenca and analysis studies
of its demand.
For the innovation proposal, two routes were proposed to help diversify activities
related to agriculture and environmental care and thus generate an economic and
social increase through an adequate administration of the organization
In short, community tourism in Azuay is in a growth process in which training and
motivation is indispensable to those who make up the different community
organizations, since they are the main actors for the development of this tourism