Las pruebas de gran fondo en la provincia del Azuay, caracterización física – técnica y táctica – psicológica” Cuenca, 2015
Iñamagua Uyaguari, Rocío Jimena
This work titration involves an initial and unprecedented process of scientific and social research on the physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects of the athletic long-winded (marathon and ultramarathon) taking place in the city of Cuenca and its region influence. It also incorporates historical and experiential aspects of the great marathons in the world which serves the author to make the corresponding comparative analysis and expose a systematization of experiences that allow appreciate fully the characteristics of these tests and to configure the proposals for improvement for the execution of those tests, all depending on the characteristics promediales marathoner or ultramarathoner athlete.
The completion of this work Qualification was based on deep bibliographic research, from their original sources that rest in the company ACSAM, CONSULTANTS, supplemented by exploratory research on the characteristics of athletes and their sports training process, inputs that allow us finally make the final proposal that comprehensive research is validated.