Conocimiento y prácticas en salud oral con el test de Hiroshima University Dental Behavior Inventory en el Área de Ciencias de la Salud que incluye las carreras de: Medicina, Enfermería, Estimulación Temprana, Fonoaudiología, Imagenología, Terapia Física, Laboratorio Clínico, Nutrición y Dietética, 2016
Bustos Torres, Yessenia Cristina
Cabrera Toro, María Marcela
The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge and practices in oral health in the area of Medical Sciences of the University of Cuenca with the test Hiroshima University Dental Behavior Inventory (HU-DBI) in the period 2016, this test is validated internationally and It consists of twenty items and is valued at a maximum of 12 primarily relating the knowledge and attitudes towards oral health.
The survey was conducted to the students from first to fourth school year of Nursing, School of Medical Technology which includes racing: Early Learning, Speech Therapy, Imaging, Clinical Laboratory, Physical Therapy and Nutrition and Dietetics; and students from first to fifth year of medical school. Levelling students and postgraduates were excluded.
The information obtained is tabulated and analyzed with SPSS version 16, the total number of interviewed was 1,489 students, a response rate of 87.29% of which 65.63% were women and 34.37% were male, most urban provenance 85.7%, the index number HU-DBI was for first year students with a mean of 7.67 to 1.62 SD and fifth- year with a mean 7.74 with a SD of 1.68.
They found no difference in the index between men and women, and this index is on a scale regular in every year of the career, the career with the highest rate was in early stimulation with 7.8 and was higher in the age group of 17 to 22 years with 7.7 and ethnicity mulattoes with an index of 8.8