Los delitos de lesa humanidad en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano y el estatuto de Roma: estudio comparativo
Serrano Burgos, Cristina Gabriela
In Ecuador, crimes against humanity have not been criminalized until the CódigoOrgánico Integral Penal in force since 2014, with the consequence that such crimes committed before the term of the crime, especially in the 1980s, have not been tried and have gone unpunished.
The International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute were created at the international level for the prosecution of these crimes, which has been signed and ratified by Ecuador, with the State having the obligation to adopt its internal legal system Statute.
In this research, a comparative analysis is carried out mainly between the Integrated Criminal Code and the Rome Statute, with which I intend to determine whether Ecuador has managed to overcome the gaps and normative divergences in relation to crimes against humanity.