Polimorfismos de los genes ACTN3 y MYO1H y su asociación con las maloclusiones esqueletales. Una revisión de la literatura
Novillo Cevallos, Karen Viviana
Picón Burbano, Marcela Alexandra
The ACTN3 gene encodes α-actinin-3 proteins that are located in type II muscle fibers and
are involved in skeletal muscle function, whereas the MYO1H gene encodes class I myosin
proteins of masseter fibers. The present review aims to discuss the findings in scientific
literature about the association between skeletal malocclusions and the ACTN3 and MYO1H
gene polymorphisms. PubMed, Scielo, BVS, AJO-DO, and Google Scholar databases were
consulted. The literature indicates that jaws’ growth is modulated by muscle activity, which
is determined by the interaction of genes with environmental factors. Furthermore, it has been
shown that polymorphisms of the ACTN3 and MYO1H genes constitute a risk factor for
skeletal malocclusions; therefore, their detection would allow early intervention to avoid the
development of craniofacial alterations and consequently complex and expensive treatments.