Prevalencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos adultos del cantón Cuenca
Rodríguez Siguencia, Ismael Fabricio
Juela Quintuña, Edison Geovanny
This research was conducted in the canton Cuenca, Azuay province aimed to determine the prevalence in adult cows and analyze the factors that can influence the level of parasitism. Diagnostic techniques used were simple sedimentation and flotation with saline. 1,328 samples collected directly from the rectum of the animal were analyzed. a prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of 69.4% in the Canton Cuenca adult cows was determined. In analyzing the prevalence for each technique 52.2% was set at 44.5% flotation and sedimentation. The genera of gastrointestinal parasites most prevalent in the flotation technique were: Eimeria bovis with 16.8%, with a slight degree of infestation (16.6%), moderate (0.2%), followed by Paraphistomum cervi prevalence (13.2%), only mild degree of infestation (13.2%). With the sedimentation was diagnosed as Eimeria bovis was the parasite that presented a prevalence of 16.7% and degrees of mild to moderate infestation (16.6% and 0.2% respectively), followed by Ostertagia spp prevalence of 5 , 4%, degree of infestation mild moderate 5.3% and 0.1%, other genres presented only mild degree of infestation. Stipulated that race, breeding system and altitudinal factors influence the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in adult cows belonging to the Canton Cuenca (P <0.05).