Evaluación de impacto de las unidades educativas del milenio en el rendimiento y asistencia escolar: caso Unidad Educativa del Milenio Victoria del Portete
Sarmiento Espinoza, Daniela Verónica
Cáceres Bustos, José Israel
Faced with the growing debates generated by the functioning and accomplishments of the so-called “Unidades Educativas del Milenio” (UEM), this paper sheds light on the impact of the "Victoria del Portete" UEM on school performance and attendance, measured through the score obtained by the students in a four-part standardized test and through the attendance records available. Surveys were also used that were given to the representatives and students to recognize the factors associated with them.
To determine the effect generated by the UEM "Victoria del Portete", the Propensity Score Matching method was used. The results obtained indicate that the UEM project "Victoria del Portete" has generated a negative impact on the students' performance since, the results in test 1 (mathematics and language and literature) and test 2 (social sciences and natural sciences) the UEM students showed lower performances compared to the control group. In terms of assistance, the calculated coefficients show that the rate of absenteeism in the UEM is greater by 7% at a general level.