Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de anomalias cervicales citológicas e histológicas en pacientes de ginecología. Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca. 2011-2015
Ordóñez Salazar, Paola Gabriela
The squamous intraepithelial lesion and cervical-uterine cancer mainly affect developing countries, representing a major public health problem.
Objective: To establish the prevalence and risk factors for cytological and histological cervical abnormalities in Gynecology patients at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital, Cuenca. 2011-2015
Method: We performed an analytical and cross-sectional study with 95% CI, with a sample of 457 medical records of outpatient Gynecology patients. A form for the collection of the data necessary for the investigation was applied and analyzed with the software SPSS V.15.
Results: The prevalence of cervical cytologic abnormalities was 4.38% LIEBG, 3.28% ASCUS, and 1.75% LIEAG; While, the prevalence of lesions histological cervical abnormalities was 50,98% CIN 1, 25,49% CIN 2, 15,68% CIN 3 and invasive carcinoma 1.96%. No significant relationship was found between the appearance of cervical abnormalities and risk factors: age greater than 35 years, onset of sexual intercourse before 18 years, use of hormonal contraception and multiparity.
Conclusion: The most frequent cytological cervical abnormality LIEBG, while the most frequent histologic cervical abnormality CIN 1. The mean age of women was 42.38 years, mean age of onset of sexual life was 18.04 years; The surgical method was the most used method; And according to parity their average was of 3.04 deliveries.