Validez y concordancia de la mamografía y ecografía en el diagnóstico de Cáncer de Mama de las pacientes atendidas en el Instituto de Cáncer SOLCA Cuenca 2014-2016
Cabrera Orellana, Karen Silvana
Background: the breast cancer is the more frequent neoplasm in women worldwide. Mammography and ultrasound are efficient diagnostic techniques for breast cancer detections and the histology leads to its definitive diagnostic.
Objectives: determinate the validity and concordance of the mammography and ultrasound with the histopathology in the breast cancer detection of the attended patients in Instituto de Cancer SOLCA between january 2014 – december 2016.
Methodology: validity study and concordance of the diagnostic test conformed by two groups: 79 women with benign pathology and 109 with malign pathology; who presented mammography, ultrasound and histopathology of core biopsy. The results obtained are the statistical indicator of diagnostic validity and concordance.
Results: the average age was 53,20 years with a DS of 12,24, the 11,2 % show family history of breast cancer, the 8% were nulliparous and the 4,03% had hormonal replacement therapy. The mammography sensibility was 97,21% and the specificity 53,74% and for the ultrasound was 96,81% and 16,69 respectively. The mammography and ultrasound sensibility together is 99,91% y and the specificity is 8,97%. The ultrasound concordance has a kappa rating of 0,129 and the mammography of 0,46