Violencia en la pareja en convivencia en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Cuenca
Cuenca Morocho, Iliana Salomé
Jiménez Torres, Aline Vanesa
The levels of violence that are currently experienced in society have reached alarming percentages, but this problem has a reach that can often be found in relationships, so it is necessary to provide the importance that this deserves, phenomenon in order to diminish or eradicate this situation. By virtue of this, the present research work was carried out whose general objective was to determine the existing violence in couples living together in students of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Cuenca-Ecuador. In the research that has a quantitative, non-experimental design approach with a descriptive scope, the Intrafamily Violence instrument VIFJ4 was used and a sociodemographic record for the collection of information; they were applied to a population of 89 students of the three careers of the Faculty of Psychology. The results obtained determined that the violence that predominates among those investigated corresponds to the physical and psychological type with a slight level, in the age ranges between 18 and 21 years, presenting a higher percentage of this situation among the female gender. The conclusion that can be noted from the work done is the existence of physical and psychological violence at a slight level