Generación de energía eléctrica mediante un sistema híbrido hidráulico fotovoltaico conectado a la red en el parque nacional el Cajas
Aucapiña Arévalo, Paúl Andrés
Vintimilla García, Franklin Patricio
With regard to the new energy matrix Ecuador, as well as according to the regulations of CONELEC in which stress that the state shall promote and encourage the use of clean technologies for power generation, has made a study of electricity generation by PV hybrid system Hydraulic Networked, considering social, technological, economic and environmental.
Chapter 1 details the current situation of Ecuador Energy Sector as well as the situation of Renewable Energy in the World.
Chapter 2 describes both the water resource as the solar resource, as well as the characteristics of each.
In chapter 3, it is described for the civil works of both the hydraulic and the photovoltaic part.
In Chapter 4 the analysis is performed power generation, plant sizing, and also performed the descriptions of the facilities.
Chapter 5 details the design, hydro-photovoltaic equipment.
In Chapter 6, the economic analysis is performed to determine the feasibility of the project, and have certain profitability.
In Chapter 7, we develop the environmental impact analysis considering all the positive and negative effects that may occur during the stages of construction, operation and decommissioning of the plant hybrid.
In Chapter 8, we present the conclusions and recommendations finally obtained after the study.