Elaboración de material didáctico para la enseñanza de temas de física i en la Carrera de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad de Cuenca
Garcés Villacís, Karla Viviana
Romero Chimbo, Vilma Briseyda
This Thesis entitled as “Elaboración de Material didáctico para la enseñanza de temas de
Fisica I en la carrera de Matemáticas Y Física de la Universidad De Cuenca” wants to enhace the teaching of Physics through the use of different didactical devices. The Project was divided into three parts.
The first part makes a review of some basic theoretical concepts, which are related to the Constructivism. The final part of the chapter proposes the use of physical models in order to teach Physics I in higher and mid – level education.
The second part of the thesis develops a statistical analysis from some surveys which were answered by some students of the faculty. The analysis shows the students´ opinion about the teaching of physics and some recommendations about the using of didactical material. The results are shown through statistical graphics and some inferences.
The last chapter consists of a guide for the use of each didactical material. The guide features the characteristics of each material and it makes some recommendations for teachers. Finally, a worksheet is elaborated in order to test basic concepts.