Aplicación de la medicina ancestral en los usuarios del Centro de Salud Carlos Elizalde. Cuenca 2015
Alvarez Jiménez, Olivia Judith
Calle Padilla, Paola Elizabeth
Zhinin Pichisaca, María Tráncito
BACKGROUND: In much of the contemporary world traditional medicine is the mainstay of the provision of health services, or its complement. In some countries, traditional medicine or conventional medicine is often called complementary medicine.
These activities have undergone profound changes, and the values that people have in relation to this type of medicine are disappearing with dizzying speed although the World Health Organization dictates strategies for implementation and the Ministry of Health of Ecuador recognizes its value .
However there was a study on the techniques used by these service providers whether they doctor, healer, naturist, magician, herbalist, warlock, shaman or midwife between users and users of the health center "Carlos Elizalde".
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Characterization of the application of traditional medicine in users and users of the Health Center "Carlos Elizalde".
METHODOLOGY: A descriptive quantitative study that characterized the application of traditional medicine in users and users of the Health Center "Carlos Elizalde" City of Cuenca.
The method used was the type interview prior survey informed consent made according to criteria of inclusion and exclusion to a universe of 110 users and users in the tabulation SPSS Windows and Excel software was used, and these were analyzed in simple tables and graphics.
USE OF RESULTS: The results were used as a basis to identify the application of traditional medicine in users and users who come to the health center "Carlos Elizalde" the Yanuncay, Cuenca 2015