Prototipo de un dispositivo de adquisición, almacenamiento y transmisión de datos meteorológicos usando los transductores de la estación DAVIS 6162 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plu
Gutama Morocho, Marco Paúl
Vázquez Patiño, Joel José
Studying climate and weather is important for science and planification, therefore, reliable
meteorological data is required. Data should be collected in places of interest often difficult to
access and dispersed in a wide geographical area. Meteorological stations are used to collect
data, but they often lack long range transmition systems, therefore, staff goes to the stations
to download the data. This implies spending resources in an activity that can be done automatically.
These facts show the need for devices able to reduce the collection cost, to avoid the
data lost and to increasy the reliability of the observations.
In this work, a prototype device is designed and implemented to adquire and transmit
automaticaly the observations of the stations. The prototype uses the transducers of a Davis
6162 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus station. A microcontroller with a Real Time Operative System
was used to manage the adquisition, storage and transmission of the data. Data is saved in a
SD memory and transmitted by an XBee module. Time and date references are provided by a
Real Time Clock sincronized to a GPS. Also, the prototype allows to configure sampling and
transmition periods and to test the correct performance. The carried out tests showed that the
prototype adquires, stores and transmits the data correctly.