Prevalencia del Ponticulus Posticus de acuerdo a la clasificacion de Cederberg y Stubbs, en pacientes que acudieron a un centro radiológico de la ciudad de Cuenca, en edades de 9 a los 25 años, durante los años 2013 a 2015
Becerra Moreira, María Auxiliadora
Pacheco Pesantez, Diana Estefanía
Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Ponticulus posticus, by observing lateral cephalometric digital skull in patients aged 9 to 25 years, randomly selected from the database of the "Center of radiology and oral tomography and maxillofacial" Dr. Juan Hermida Muñoz, located in the city of Cuenca, in order to know the prevalence of this anatomical variant.
Materials and Methods: 1000 digital cephalometric lateral skull patients 9-25 years of the period 2013-2015, who met the inclusion criteria were used. The data obtained were analyzed in the SPSS 19.0 program. The researchers involved in the analysis had a previous training in observation and classification of this anatomical variant.
Results and conclusions: According to the classification of Cederberg and Stubbs found greater prevalence of class 2 of Ponticus Posticus. Men presented a higher prevalence of Ponticus Posticus in class 2 when calcification extends less than half of the vertebral artery, followed by class 3 when calcification extends to the middle of the vertebral artery and finally class 4 when calcification extends completely throughout the artery, so that sex influences the distribution of this anatomical variation. Ponticulus Posticus is an anatomical variant with high prevalence in the study population