Análisis de rentabilidad de las empresas oligopólicas del sector cerámico en el Ecuador. Periodo 2013-2016
Campos Pacurucu, Omar Fabricio
Campoverde Chávez, Lilia Elizabeth
The objective of this research is to analyze the financial statements of the companies belonging to the ceramics industry in Ecuador in order to determine their financial strengths and, in turn, to observe how working capital affects the profitability of these organizations.
This study includes the analysis of the economic and financial situation, making reference to the most important ratios of 4 of the most notorious companies of our country in the ceramic sector, such as Graiman Cía. Ltda., Cerámicas Rialto S.A., Ecuacerámica, and Italpisos S.A. in the period 2013 – 2016. This period allows to observe the financial evolution of these companies, as well as the efficiency with which the organizations have used their resources in the course of these years to obtain benefits. The present investigation is correlational because it intends to determine how the profitability is affected by the management of the working capital of the oligopolistic companies of the ceramic sector in Ecuador