Teaching strategies to develop the speaking skill in adults: learners' perceptions
Triviño Sabando, Consuelo Agustina
The speaking skill, according to many studies, is considered the primary skill to master a foreign language. Considering this, the following project reports the study of ninety eight students from two universities in Cuenca about the perceptions of the teaching strategies that adult learners consider essential in order to dominate the English language. The study was carried out by using a mixed methodology in which qualitative and quantitative data were used showing results in an individual manner and others, as a whole. Among the conclusions drawn, the necessity of taking into consideration the views of adult learnersis highlighted to increase the link between the school and the learner, achieving this, learners become active members of their own learning.Finally, students showed interest in some communicative activities in which they can express themselves without the fear of being reprimanded for their mistakes.