Puesta en escena de una obra basada en la obra pictórica “Las dos Fridas” de Frida Kahlo
Morocho Cabzaca, Silvia Karina
Villota Ramírez, Tanya Samantha
Samantha Villota R./ Karina Morocho C.
The present work has as main motivation to study the paintings of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and use it as a stimulus to create for a scenic assembly through theater and dance language, we enrich different compositional elements such as writing, music and body to create a fully independent work of the work of the artist Kahlo. The painting "The Two Fridas" Frida Kahlo is analyzed from the methodology Heidegger within the work of art, likewise, based on Theatre Anthropology Eugenio Barba for our creation process results in the fusion of both previously these languages, and thereby find a language applied to the staging that is a fundamental part of our investigative work. Based on the situation of the modern woman, with reference to the same biography of the artist Kahlo and relying on anonymous interviews with women of this city, we use this material for the creation of practical work, making all this allows us to develop a dramaturgy focused on the emotional dependence of women clearly evident in the life of Mexican artist.