Modelo sistémico emergente para la creación de empresas de base tecnológica – spin off universitarias a partir de las instituciones de educación superior (IES) del Ecuador
Añazco Rios, Luis Guillermo
This article proposes an emerging systemic model for the creation of Technology Based Enterprises (TBE's)
in Higher Education Institutions in Ecuador. Using a compilation of information in the CEPRA-CEDIA
project "Towards a systemic model for the creation of scientific-technological based enterprises in the
Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador" and a research method based on two case studies. This allowed
finding several important elements for the respective development of the university spin-off. From this
model it is evident that university spin-offs must complete a series of stages to become a consolidated
company in society. For this reason, each company must go through a sequence of activities to advance to
the next, but each stage has its own elements such as resources, relationships, stakeholders, and minimum
conditions that reflect an iterative and non-linear development process. Secondly, each stage will consider
its own time, where we found that university spin-offs face limitations in terms of resources and capabilities
that researchers need to acquire to complete the stages. Finally, it was considered that when the university
is not rigorous in research issues its possibilities of generating a spin off are limited, for this reason, it is
required to implement schemes that integrate the relevant points on the structure of each HEI in the venture.
This will allow reflecting the fundamental elements to fulfill the main objectives in each one of the stages
and thus proceed with the following ones until completing a spin off.