Cuenca en el siglo XXI, ciudad de ocio global: de la ilusión patrimonial al rentismo cultural
Jimenez Pacheco, Pedro Sebastian
Marcillo Chasy, Jennifer Nathaly
The purpose of this article is to unveil the space strategy masking the global capitalism urbanization process extended through the construction of a cultural-heritage brand. This
has led Cuenca (Ecuador) to specialize in the unproductive consumption of space as a centrality of leisure, ignoring devices for extracting real estate surplus mediated by the tourism industry and the foreign invocation of a retirement life dream. A multivariate space-time analysis of the real-estate stock of the city is then carried out in three moments (2006, 2010 and 2016); as well as the revision of public planning and private sector behavior that link together the urban revaluation component with a symbolic race promoted by the local bourgeoisie since the 1980s, through the rapid specialization of the retirement offer for foreigners, and which brought Cuenca on the podium of world-wide cultural rentism.