Experiencias de acoso sexual callejero a mujeres de la ciudad de Cuenca
Chuquín Atiencia, Andrea Belén
Herrera Serrano, Daniela Estefanía
The aim of this study was to describe the sexual harassment experiences of women in the city of Cuenca. Hence, a qualitative, with a non-experimental and exploratory study was conducted in which 20 university student women aged between 18 to 25 years old of the city of Cuenca participated. The type of sample was a reference one. For data collection it was used, apart from the demographic questionnaire, life stories diaries that consisted in a series of instructions in which participants described their experiences of sexual harassment in the streets. The data analysis was made using a thematic analysis which allowed to organize, analyze and identify themes and structures through reading and re-reading of collected data allowing to an adequate understanding of sexual harassments in the streets. Results have shown that experiences, places, forms and consequences of sexual harassment in the streets are reflected in the lived experiences of all the participants. Moreover it is evidenced that within the society it is normalized the harassment as a result of the interaction between men and women. Finally, sexual harassment in the streets generates negative consequences in the daily life of women blocking their free development within the society inflicting their rights as a human being.