Evaluación del nivel de conocimiento sobre el método canguro en los profesionales de enfermería del área de pediatría, neonatología y gineco-obstetricia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca-Ecuador 2015. Elaboración del manual método Madre Canguro como guía para los profesionales de enfermería
Padilla Montesdeoca, Karla Yoconda
Zúñiga López, María Augusta
BACKGROUND: The enforcement of the Kangaroo Method by the nursing staff allows to improve the care of premature and newborn babies in general since this method has proven to be effective to control the fever, to promote breastfeeding and to strengthen parent – child bonding, this is the reason why nursing staff should apply it systematically and offer appropriate information to the parents and relatives who participate in new born care.
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge level of the Kangaroo Method on nursing professionals in pediatrics, neonatology and gynecology – obstetrics area from Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital and to elaborate a Kangaroo Mother manual as a guide for nurse professionals.
METHODOLOGY: A descriptive – transversal study was performed during the period May – October, 2015, working with 50 nurses who work in pediatrics, neonatology and genecology – obstetrics area from Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. A questionnaire was given to them to determine the knowledge level of the Kangaroo Mother Method, by a predetermined evaluation scale (Stanones). Finally a Kangaroo Mother Method manual was elaborated for nurse professionals.
CONCLUSION: It was evidenced that 88% of nursing staff have a medium level of knowledge, 10% a low level of knowledge, and finally 2% have a high level of knowledge.
USE OF THE RESULTS: The Kangaroo Mother Method manual and the obtained results were delivered to the hospital authorities and will also be published in the magazine of the faculty