Mal nutrición como factor agravante en la enfermedad COVID-19 “SARS COV-2” en pacientes con enfermedades no transmisibles: revisión sistemática
Sarmiento López, Paola Cristina
Background: the severity of COVID-19 has been related to older age, some ethnicities and comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes and malnutrition either due to deficit or excess, which can influence the immune system.
General objective: to expose whether malnutrition behaves as an aggravating factor in the disease covid-19 "SARS COV-2" in patients with non-communicable diseases.
Materials and methods: systematic review in which the following search engines were used: Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus, Hindawi, Latindex and academic Google using keywords and Boolean operators, in the same way the possible limitations of each work were considered to avoid biases of some type and its methodological quality was evaluated, studies published between 2020 and 2021 were analyzed.
Results: 12 publications met the selection criteria, handling samples between 49 and 1,378,002 people with a mean age of 59.21 years. The nutritional status had a mean BMI greater than 25 kg / m2 for the most severe cases, increasing the risk of severity when exceeding 30 kg / m2 and in malnourished patients, the most frequent comorbidities were: hypertension, diabetes and obesity, in 7 of the articles reviewed found a statistical association between malnutrition and severity due to COVID-19.
Conclusions: some studies found that malnutrition was associated with a greater severity of COVID-19 cases in patients with other associated comorbidities.
Limitations: limited bibliography that includes patients with comorbidities and the behavior of malnutrition as an aggravation of COVID-19.