Estrategias comunicacionales en la Empresa Pública Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca – EMAC EP, para mejorar la comunicación interna
Cobos Pesantez, Margoth Elizabeth
The present research work compiles information about the channels and the internal communication tools used by members of “Empresa Pública Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca – EMAC EP” and also the strategies that have been applied to have a good internal communication.
In order to know in a certain degree about how different methods before mentioned have been developed, the following levels of action were stablished which were the base to make way to different techniques applied: knowledge of the internal communication management, the tools used by the Department of Public Relations of the enterprise and the perception of the internal administrative stuff upon the functioning of communication channels.
The levels named before permit to know the state of activity of the internal communication by each of the collaborators of the organization. In this way, qualitative and quantitative data were obtained about opinions; they come from each of the internal administrative members’ experiences and daily activities.
This document offers theoretical bases of internal and organizational communication and strategic planning that will improve the conclusions which have been obtained according to a before and an after applying different actions to the strategies used and in relation to the EMAC EP workers’ perception.