Ansiedad ante la muerte en adultos mayores del Centro Gerontológico Municipal El hogar de los abuelos en Cuenca en el período 2019 - 2020
Heredia Rea, Viviana Carolina
Maldonado Carmona, Jaqueline Patricia
Death is an unknown event for every human being and when their existence is threatened
tends to provoke anxiety, as it happens in the aging stage where the arrival to death is imminent.
The present paper describes the different death anxiety levels in elder people according to
different socio-demographic variables in Cuenca. The participants were 49 elders. The
instruments applied in the research were the Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) and a sociodemographic questionnaire with 15 variables. The study approach was qualitative, with a
descriptive and cross-sectional scope design. The results revealed that the participants had a
low level of Death Anxiety. Moreover, some noticeable results for the DAS low level were: the
physical afflictions, the place of origin, and the participants’ free-time activities