Analyzing the regional economic convergence in Ecuador. Insights from parametric and nonparametric models
Mendieta Muñoz, Luis Rodrigo
Szeles, Monica Raileanu
This paper analyses the process of regional economic convergence in Ecuador from
2007 to 2014, using parametric and non-parametric models. Applying a broad range of
methods allows deriving complex empirical findings about the process of convergence,
in the context of the high economic heterogeneity that persists over time in the
Ecuadorian economy. Encouraging the enlargement of private sector, entering and
staying more years in education, increasing the effectiveness of public investment and
discouraging the inefficient credit activity are found to be important drivers of economic
growth and regional convergence. Additionally, the non-parametric analysis reveals that
the progress on the path of regional convergence is mainly due to the 2007-2010
upward transition of the group of poorest provinces. Still, the regional GVA distribution
remains polarized and it seems that the group of rich provinces advances faster than
the majorities’ one, making the achievement of regional convergence even more difficult
in the years to come.