Propuesta de un plan de mejoramiento para el personal de hoteles y hostales de los cantones Sucúa y Macas, provincia de Morona Santiago
Cabrera Galarza, Janneth Alexandra
Riera Gutierrez, Carmen Victoria
The hotel industry has become a very important factor within the tourism industry during the last years, that is why lodging companies have more demand and requirements from tourists, which has motivated the present graduation work in order to reinforce the hotel business areas in hotels and hostals of Sucúa and Macas cities through an improvement plan for the companies and a continuous training for their employees based on the Regulation for Tourist Accommodation of Ecuador (Reglamento de Alojamiento Turístico del Ecuador.) Therefore, an assessment of the companies under study by applying a survey to the operational staff and the guests, and through interviews to the administrative staff applied in the months of November and December, 2018. With the results obtained, an improvement plan proposal was elaborated, which include three fundamental lines: infrastructure and services, training plan and corporate image and finally, modules were elaborated for the training process addressed to the areas with more deficiencies: customer service, front desk processes, room arrangement, and hygiene and security processes in order to improve the services offered to guests, before, during and after their stay aiming to fulfill customers´ expetations and demand