| masterThesis
El arte en la educación general básica superior, en la ciudad de Loja - Ecuador. Una revisión de los espacios didácticos reactivados por los aprendizajes a través de las artes visuales
Vélez Pardo, Estíbaliz del Cisne
Our research tackles as main interest the topic of mediation through the artistic didactic, in which it was researched from the historic conceptions of artistic education, it's branches and structures, the conception of a mandatory curriculum for teaching and the existence of cultural spaces to incentivize non-formal educational models to generate learning which uses art as a means of interest. We tried to analyze the current situation of Loja city in accordance to the artistic education processes, as well as the relationship which it creates with museums, galleries, and cultural centers, whose exhibitions are focused on multiple artistic languages as well as historic, geographic, religious and patrimonial, with the goal to set out a model of mediation containing the theory fundaments, contemplating the transversality with the educational curriculum and sets out work strategies as a pilot project which could be implemented and built upon in the future.