Estrategias comunicativas de los líderes de opinión en el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de Sayausí
Andrade Carrión, Andrés Eduardo
This research is intended to investigate how opinion leaders of the Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de Sayausí they are inserting into their communication strategies, for this it was necessary to apply Ethnography as a method of gathering information, doing fieldwork, participatory observation and in-depth interviews.
In order to fulfill this purpose, it was necessary as a first step to carry out a theoretical and bibliographic research on topics of communication, strategic communication, public relations, organizational communication, opinion leaders and public opinion.
Subsequently, the importance of neighborhood leaders in GAD communication was investigated and demonstrated, their insertion in the communication plans and how these people promote the involvement and participation of the population they represent in the processes of territorial management and development.
It counted with the participation of the 14 main leaders of opinion of the Sayausí parish that contributed with the scope and realization of all the proposed objectives.