Marcadores hematológicos pre y posquirúrgicos en cirugías de tórax del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso 2015-2016
Gualán Minga, Mauro Antonio
Gualán Minga, Alexander Luis
Background: Chest surgeries are estimated to have up to 45.8% of adverse effects, of which 21.2% are serious, reflecting a mortality rate of up to 5% in the last decade (1). Laboratory tests performed are important for the patient's prognosis.
Objective: To determine the pre-surgical and postoperative haematological markers in thorax surgery at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital during the years 2015 and 2016.
Methodology: A descriptive research was carried out. The patients were submitted to chest surgery at Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital in the period from January 2015 to December 2016.
Results: The male sex predominated (70.97%) and the age group 18-39 years (41.94%). According to the surgical diagnosis, empyema and pleural effusion were noted with 26.88% and 23.66% respectively. The most commonly used surgical procedure was video-assisted thoracoscopy with 55.91%. According to preoperative hemoglobin values, 41.94% had some degree of anemia. 70.97% of all patients had anemia. The variability of hemoglobin and hematocrit values was greater in thoracotomy with 1.62 g / dl and 3.87% respectively. 31.65% of patients presented leukocytosis after the surgical procedure to which they were submitted.
Conclusions: After the surgical procedure, the anemia increased in 28.9% and a considerable part of the patients presented leukocytosis. There was variation in hemoglobin and hematocrit values