Diseño bioclimático de viviendas multifamiliares en la ciudad de Cuenca
Baquero Larriva, María Teresa
On this document has been made a bioclimatic design, as a draft of multifamily housing using active and passive systems, which take advantage of the available natural resources like sun , rain and wind, based on weather conditions of Cuenca, decreasing the environmental impact and implementing a system that prevents excessive consumption of potable water in domestic activities that do not require so much water , it is proposed to reuse water from sinks, showers and kitchens , as well rainwater is used in other applications that do not require potable water for irrigation, car washing and landscape features.
This is a response to the environmental crisis, which has generated a process of awareness among professionals of architecture and generally in all human activities, about the impact of pollution on the planet for our way of life based mostly in nonrenewable resources such as oil, the residential sector being the second largest energy consumer after the national transport sector. Besides the excessive consumption of drinking water particularly in the city of Cuenca, where they consume about twice liters per person per day than recommended by WHO.