Diseño de un sistema de tabiquería modular de junta fría desmontable para soluciones versátiles en departamentos
Loayza Ordóñez, John Marcos
In this thesis project the use of an alternative versatile modular partition was proposed in order to provide new solutions in special divisions in cities such as Cuenca, taking into account both the need for social and popular living spaces as well as more elaborate, modern and well-equipped modular buildings, depending on the needs of the people who will live there. In order to achieve this, an ergonomic analysis of four apartments was
carried out to evaluate the versatility in the division of spaces to verify the level of construction based on flexible modular partitions to new spatial distributions in a city such as Cuenca where various housing needs can be found due to the number of inhabitants as in a family dynamic. In addition, these needs are variable due to the growth or reduction of household members. Four housing projects where studied in the area with results that show, on a small, medium or large scale, that a more rigid type of construction is predominantly being employed and a more versatile style of construction is not being taken advance of, in contrast with countries such as Chile, Japan, Spain, England or the United Stated, or first-world countries in general, who take advantage of the benefits of this type of construction which include time and labour due to dry assembly systems using prefabricated modules.