Nadie: río del tiempo archivero de la lucha del agua del Azuay
Paredes Tacuri, Juan Carlos
NADIE: Río del Tiempo - Archivero de la lucha del agua del Azuay is an
investigative work on artistic proposals that generate other forms of human relationships
proposed by Relational Aesthetics, resignified through the contributions of relational
antagonism and artistic activism (artivism). The main objective of this work is to develop a
collaborative project of flexible relational art together with the environmental group
Yasunidos Guapondélig, according to their interests and needs, for the construction of a
narrative about the history of the struggle for water in the province of Azuay. The proposal
consists of the compilation and systematization of cultural products, memories, activists’
documents and the creation of a mobile installation/ performance, generally known as a
mobile artefact. This device functions as an exhibition platform for the consumption of
cultural products and archives that make visible the most representative actions developed
by the group within the framework of resistance. This in turn seeks to generate meeting
spaces and appropriation of public space. In this way, it hopes to demonstrate that artistic
forms and creative tools of art are effective in generating other forms of human
relationships, both affective and spatial, within communities of activists and defenders of
water and non-exclusive spectators of public space. At the same time, it is a hybrid strategy
of art and activism that makes visible the fight for the defense of water and territory in