Prevalencia de sífilis en trabajadoras sexuales que acudieron al Centro de Salud N°1 Pumapungo, Cuenca 2017-2018
Pérez Colibrí, Melina Alexandra
Quezada Maruri, Joseline Tamara
Syphilis consists on a venereal disease caused by a spirochete with mobility belonging to the gender Treponema pallidum species. This is produced more ore frequently after direct contact during a sexual intercourse or less frequently after an extragenital contact. The main sources of those infections lesions located on the skin or mucous membranes and it can occur with biological fluids like buccal, vaginal, seminal secretions and blood.
To determine the prevalence of syphilis in sex workers that assist to N°1 Pumapungo Health Center in Cuenca during 2017-2018.
A descriptive, retrospective and transversal study with a data recollection in N°1 Pumapungo Health Center in Cuenca. The universe consist in sexual workers that went to their regular control during 2017-2018 period, however the sample size was 839 sex workers, who met the study inclusion criteria.
From de sample analyzed in a study, the prevalence of syphilis of 3.3%, belong to 28 cases according to FTA-ABS. Also, 26 infection cases was find in the mestizo ethnic group of sex workers whom their evident origin was from Los Rios province with a largest group. At the same time in Azuay province was find 10 register cases. Likewise, there was a great number of cases in the group corresponding to the young adults with 17 register cases.
The Syphilis prevalence in sex workers that went to N°1 Pumapungo Health Center in Cuenca, during 2017-2018 period, was of 3.3%.