Plan de negocios para la elaboración de tabletas de chocolate con preparaciones autóctonas del Ecuador en la ciudad de Cuenca
Muñoz Collaguazo, María Ximena
Quinde Rivas, Cristian Fabricio
The purpose of this intervention project is to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a company dedicated to the production of chocolate tablets with typical Ecuadorian preparations in the city of Cuenca, analyzing the target to which the company is directed, the necessary suppliers, competition, and substitute products. To carry out the project, two market research methods were used; a concept test and a focus group, which were applied to the company's target. The results served to improve the quality of the product and thus make decisions that benefit the company.
The flavors offered by the company are based on native preparations from Ecuador such as: chocolate tablets with salprieta (Ecuadorian preparation with toasted and finely ground corn and peanuts mixed with coriander and salt), nogada (sweet preparation with Andean walnut, lemon and sugar cane panel), ají de pepa de sambo (squash seeds with chili), turrón (candy made with honey, egg whites, sugar and peanuts), morocho (hard variety of corn, milk, cinnamon, sweet pepper, cloves, and sugar), canelazo (dehydrated lulo, sugar cane liquor and cinnamon), dried fruits, sweet fig marmalade, mix of aromatic herbs and smoked salt with bacon (whole-grain salt, liquid smoke and dehydrated bacon. Each flavor is identified with a typical character of the country such as: Diablo Huma, Wiki, Diablo Píllaro, Huaco, Shuar, Inti Raymi, Pachamama, Cucurucho, Chaman, and Mama Negra.
The financial structure refers to all the necessary costs to produce the chocolate tablets, among these are: production, management, marketing and financial costs. In addition, it contains the flow of funds which allowed us to know the information about the projection of the company and to determine if the project is viable through financial indicators.