Frecuencia de la posición de terceros molares inferiores retenidos con relación a la clasificación de pell & gregory en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca
Crespo Reinoso, Pablo Andrés
Farfán Romero, María Elisa
García García, Ana Karina
Landi Palacios, David Antonio
A descriptive retrospective study was realized through the analysis of panoramic radiographs obtained from the Dentistry Faculty of the Universidad de Cuenca. From a grand total of 1186 radiographs, 400 were selected, in which position and class according to Pell & Gregory of the impacted lower third molars. Position of the lower third molar in relation to de occlusal plane and cervical level of the adjoining second molar, also, for the class determination, discrepancy between the tooth lateral diameter and the disposable space between the second molar and the anterior border of the mandibular branch was measured. The result was a predominant Class II, Position B for both sides.
Keywords: Third molar, dental retention, panoramic radiograph