Políticas presupuestarias con enfoque de género en el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Cuenca
Bernal Chica, Ximena Patricia
This thesis aims to contribute to the advancement of gender focus incorporation into the budget of the local GAD (Decentralized Autonomous Government) of Cuenca by using the Gender Equality Policies Expense Classifier, a tool developed by the Ministry of Finance that allows each of the activities that will be carried out as part of the projects conveyed in the budget to be consistent with gender equality policies.
From this analysis of Department of Planning budget, we will deliver a proposal of relevant activities and indicators associated with gender equality policies which could further be applied to the projects developed by this Department and other areas under the GAD’s authority. Officers in charge of planning and budgeting will then be able to incorporate gender-responsive budgeting in their endeavors.
Nonetheless, before delving into the process above, we would like to present information related to the gender-responsive budgeting process at a local and national level; there will be a conceptual part along with the legal framework and the local agendas developed by women organizations, all of which is aimed at providing the reader with the necessary elements to justify the need for incorporating a gender focus into public administration.