Estudio previo y creación de un periódico comunitario como herramienta informativa para la parroquia Taday
Quintuña Sucuzhañay, Juan Gabriel
This academic research work emerges as the need to strengthen the information channels of the inhabitants of the Taday, from the canton Azogues, in the province of Cañar, through the creation of a community newspaper, whose content supports social welfare and
cooperates in social development.
Taday transcends history because of its agricultural wealth, abundant landscapes, mountains and natural resources and settlements of ancient cultures as evidenced in the Zhin Archaeological Complex, located in the Biolan community.
The community environment created, in addition to reporting and covering some facts, ignored by the mainstream media, addressed issues related to the art and culture of the parish thus promoting education, culture, development, unity and solidarity among the inhabitants of
this community; leaving aside attacking or disqualifying someone in particular.
Community journalism is characterized by developing citizen participation and cooperation processes, emphasizing positive elements that help to build a better society and for this it is important to prioritize information that is useful for the community and its inhabitants.
For some communication theorists, community journalism democratizes communication processes because it allows spaces to be opened to sectors that perhaps live in anonymity.