Percepciones docentes sobre educación ambiental en la primera infancia
Jimbo Ramón, Doris Jaqueline
Llivisaca Cárdenas, Adriana Michelle
The present research entitled: Teachers' perceptions on environmental education
in early childhood, is constituted as an approach and a survey on the perception that
teachers of early childhood and first basic education of the city of Cuenca have regarding
Environmental Education.
This research has been approached with a descriptive and exploratory scope on
the two main categories: Environmental Education and Perceptions. The study, therefore,
presents a qualitative approach, which collected information from 12 semi-structured
interviews conducted with teachers from public and private institutions, belonging to sublevel two of Initial Education and first grade of elementary school. The general objective
of this work is to understand teachers' perceptions about environmental education in early
The results show that the teachers know what environmental education is;
however, their knowledge should be deepened through training on this subject. Another
result is that teachers have positive attitudes towards this topic, since they recognize the
importance of the environment and promote care, respect and love for it in their
The conclusions we have reached in the first place is that: approaching
Environmental Education from an early age helps to form human beings who are more
aware and respectful of nature. Secondly, it is important to emphasize that it is everyone's
responsibility to promote habits of preservation and care for the environment in infants.