Estudio retrospectivo de patologías de disco intervertebral en perros (canis lupus familiaris), diagnosticados mediante resonancia magnética (en la ciudad de Quito en el período 2011 a 2019)
Vallejo Bravomalo, Diana Beatriz
The objective of the present investigation, it is to identify the frequency of intervertebral disk disease in dogs diagnosed with magnetic resonance, through a retrospective analysis according to breed characteristic, age, sex, neurolocation and type of hernia. We evaluated 179 clinic reports that belong to patient from the city of Quito remitted from RADIO VET service for the imaging study of spine for the last 8 years. For the statistical analysis developed tables of contigency and frecuency with chi square obtaining the highest frecuency of intervertebral hernia disk that show up in 2018 (33.7%), in accordance with the neurolocation of hernias , the segment with higher frecuency was thoracolumbar (65,4 %), regarding with the breed characteristic , the highest number of cases in the condrodystrophic (75,4%) than in the non condrodystrophic (24,6%). Age was another characteristic analyzed and with highest predisposition was find with adult dogs in a range of 4-7 years (49,7%). When considering sex, it was determined that males were the most affected presenting (61,5%) of the cases. Finally, the frequency of presentation of herniated discs was analyzed: Hansen type 1 (HI) and 2 (HII), finding that patients with HI and HI herniated discs represented the highest percentage of patients considered in the study (47%), followed by those who only presented with herniated discs HII (33%) and HI (19.6%). When analyzing the neurolocation, the predisposition of the male patients (p <0.05) and those patients with chondrodystrophic characteristics (p <0.05) who presented with lesions in the cervical segment was determined. In relation to the cervical thoracic segment, adult patients were those who developed the most pathology (P <0.05); and with respect to the lumbosacral segment, the chondrodisophic characteristic (P <0.05) was a predisposing factor for presenting the lesion. No specific risk factor was determined for the presence of intervertebral disc herniation.