Principio de no punibilidad de la víctima en el delito de trata de personas
Feijoó Gallegos, Jenny Marianela
Talking about the crime of human trafficking, means talking about a social phenomenon that is present in our medium; the same that has its beginnings in the XIX century which affected women in special, and the constant fight that is being held to solve it; nowadays in the XXI century it is still affecting us. For instance, for many authors, it is considered a remaining form of slavery in our civilized world.
At the beginnings, the victims were White women, originative from Europe; that is why it was denominated White Slave Trafficking at first. However, nowadays this criminal act has no boundaries, nor it has a specific selection of victims because of their race, gender, or any other social condition. For this reason, it is now denominated Human Trafficking, which is a concept known today.
This phenomenon affects principally the victims, which are the ones who suffer physical and psychological damage by the victimizer directly.
Several fights have being held around the world to solve these evil acts; however, none of them have been sufficient to eradicate entirely this phenomenon that is subject of our study. Something that indeed has been done in our legislation, and a crucial point for me personally, is the principle of Non-punishability of the victim of Human Trafficking in our Código Orgánico Integral Penal; which helps to ensure the wellness of the victim, which for many years have been mistreated and even criminalized. With this principle, the victims will feel safer by the laws of our country,