El socialismo del siglo XXI como alternativa anticapitalista: entre el ideario de Heinz Dieterich y la revolución bolivariana del presidente Hugo CHávez
Guallpa Sánchez, Juan Mauricio
The modern capitalist society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms hence monopoly continues in all societies. As a counterpart to this economic model emerged Marxism, a set of movements: political, social, economic and philosophical derived from the work of Karl Marx (1818-1883), to remove capitalism.
As the years passed many thinkers emerged highlighting their theories as to the struggle for social equality, stressing a German ideologue.
Heinz Dieterich (1943). He says that until now, the human race has passed two major pathways of evolution that had at its disposal: the historical capitalism and socialism. Nor do they have managed to solve the problems of humanity, including: social inequality.
The socialism of the XXI century, according to Dieterich is a revolutionary socialism drinking directly from the philosophy and Marxist economics. As coideario German Heinz Dieterich ideologue about socialism of the XXI century, mention the extinct Venezuelan political ruler.
Hugo Chavez (1954 - 2013) mentioned that his was driven participatory democracy as an economic model; humanist, productive, competitive, diversified, which was founded with the great Venezuelan potential. Dieterich and Chavez raised the socialism of the XXI century; in conclusion the project is framed in capitalism itself.