Teacher-centered education vs. Learner-centered education: a study of the english teaching-learning process according to the new english curriculum guidelines (board of education) at ninth level in Alfonso Carrión Heredia public elementary school
Nievecela Guamanrrigra, Lilian Catalina
The purpose of this study is to explore to what extent the National English Curriculum Guidelines of the ninth level are contributing to the teaching-learning process in order to achieve learning-centered education rather than teaching-centered education. This research was carried out at Alfonso Carrión Heredia Elementary School with the participation of thirteen male and female students who are between the ages of eleven and twelve. The collected data revealed that this new implementation has helped the English language educational process since it contains techniques, methods, and other educational tools which are based on learners' needs. In addition, according to the National Curriculum Guidelines, learners at the end of this year have to achieve an A2 proficiency level using the four main skills of communication: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This was closely achieved because learners have accomplished this level in reading, writing, and listening; nevertheless, their speaking skill requirements were not reached as hoped. This is due to the fact that they speak Spanish most of the time since it is their native language and not the target one. In order to resolve this situation, teachers should encourage their students to speak in English by using the strategies presented in these Guidelines.