| bachelorThesis
Índices topográficos corneales en pacientes con defectos refractivos atendidos en la clínica Latino entre el período 2016-2018. Cuenca, 2019.
Ferrín Loor, Marcela Monserrat
Rivas Vinces, Erwin Andree
Background: Corneal topography is a no-invasive image technique that draw de curve, shape and characteristics of corneal surface. Corneal topographic indices are quantitative parameters that assess the optical quality and the corneal regularity in a global form (1). Perhaps corneal topography is available in the city for people who have refractive errors, there are not information or analysis about topographic indices.
Objective: To describe corneal topographic indices in patients with refractive errors. Latino Clinic. 2016-2018. Cuenca, 2019.
Methodology: observational, transversal, descriptive, retrospective study. Included 71 medical records of patients with refractive errors, we excluded 2 because they were incomplete, although the sample was 69 patients (138 eyes). Data was recollected using a formulary that contents corneal indices and then statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.22 software.
Results: 63.8% were young adults and 59.4% were women. Prevalent refractive error was complex myopic astigmatism with 73.9%. The mean pachymetry was 519.78. Corneal indices that presented frequently as pathologic was IHD with 49.3%.
Conclusions: frequent refractive errors were complex myopic astigmatism and mixture astigmatism. Most eyes with corneal topographic indices altered or pathologic presented corneal ectasia.