Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa con oferta de astroturismo en el cerro Guagualzhumi
Bravo Arévalo, Estefanía Priscila
Astrotourism is considered as a tourism of special interests to unite
science, culture and leisure, where its main objective is to provide experiences
significant, at the same time that it provides knowledge about the celestial vault.
Chile is one of the pioneer countries in developing and providing services related to
astrotourism, so this research considers this case as an object of
At present, the new tendencies and preferences of the tourist, force the
providers of this activity to innovate, project themselves and offer new alternatives that
generate experiences. To achieve this goal, it has been proposed to
astrotourism in the city of Cuenca, on the Guagualzhumi hill, a place with a lot of
history and culture, and which also has its own elements for this activity,
as a viewpoint that lends itself to the observation of the celestial vault.
This degree work, through a quantitative study, presents the
Degree of reception and preferences of national and foreign tourists
interested in carrying out this activity.
As a result of data processing in the surveys, it was possible to establish the
convenient price to be applied for the operation of said activity. with app
of relevant financial indicators such as IRR and VAN, it was possible to identify the
project viability.
Keywords: Astrotourism. Feasibility study. interest tourism
specials. Innovate.