Percepción de inspectores sobre acoso escolar en estudiantes del colegio Unidad Educativa Particular Católica de Cuenca en el periodo 2020-2021
Parra Bonete, Jean Carlos
The phenomenon of bullying has been a problem within the world education system that
harms the integral development of children and adolescents, having repercussions on
victims and aggressors that can range from criminal behavior, emotional problems such
as depression and low self-esteem, even suicide. This study aims to understand the
phenomenon of bullying or bullying from the perspective of institutional inspectors, with
the objective of making visible how their perception is in cases of bullying within the
Unidad Educativa Particular Católica de Cuenca school. An approach was made to the
knowledge they have about this phenomenon, as well as the cognitive and emotional
components that build the perception of bullying. Semi-structured interviews were
conducted with the study group made up of six inspectors from the educational institution,
the information was analyzed in a categorical matrix. The results indicate that the
inspectors' perception of bullying is built intuitively and based on experience, having
more impact than technical education on bullying, demonstrating a high capacity to
respond to and solve bullying situations that are presented within the institution.