Influencia de la disolución del vínculo conyugal en los adolescentes del núcleo familiar
Palacios Aguilar, Nathalia Valentina
The negative effects of divorce on children are related to the conflict process of the
couple, causing sadness, fear, anxiety, aggression, among others, this situation
encourages these effects to become natural and form part of daily relationships,
interfering in direct way in their ability to connect and bond properly. The main objective
of this study was to investigate how the dissolution of the marital bond influences the
adolescents of the family nucleus through an exhaustive review of recent literature found
within the databases Dialnet, PubMed, Redalyc and Google Scholar, from this search we
found 15 articles related to the theme. It was concluded that the dissolution of the conjugal
bond influences the bio-psycho-social development of children and adolescents,
generating in these several pathological symptoms that are clinically significant, which
are related to alterations in mood and problems at the physical and physical level.