Modelo de gestión para la conservación del patrimonio edificado de la ciudad de Cuenca
Rodas Espinoza, Paula Francisca
Since 1979, Ecuador has specific legislation for the protection and safeguarding of its heritage. However, 37 years have passed without this legislation have been revised or updated, which has greatly difficult conservation, especially in regard to build herita-ge. In the case of Cuenca, a deficiency of an adequate legal framework and the high demand for land use has caused serious losses -in some cases irreversibles- for the cultural heritage of the city. While there have been initiatives by the local government for the protection of historical and heritage areas -Heritage of Ecuador since 1982 and World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1999- they have not given the expected results, among which is the absence of appropriate management tools. The following research aims, based on a theoretical analysis of the current state of heritage ma-nagement in Cuenca, the approach of a management model for the Conservation of Built Heritage in our city, identifying the actors involved in this work, while stating the activities that each of these must develop in order to build policies and participatory conservation strategies that contribute to the protection of our cultural heritage for the enjoyment and social use of present and future generations.