Light intensity of the light-curing units in private clinics in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador
Ajila Bohórquez, Ana Mischell
Lalangui Matamoros, Joe Javier
Introduction: Light intensity emitted by the curing lamps represents an essential factor in the activation of photosensitive materials. The adequate supply of intensity, as well as the correct functioning of the device, it ensures a correct dental treatment. Objective: To know the light intensity, type, and fiber state of the curing
lamps used in private dental offices in the city of Cuenca - Ecuador. Materials and methods: The cross-sectional descriptive study assessed the light intensity of 366 light-curing lamps from private clinics with the use of a Bluephase Meter II radiometer, besides the Likert-scale based evaluation of its type and condition.
Data analysis was done with the software R v.3.2 and its interface R-Studio v.1.2.
Results: Inadequate light intensities were observed in 18% of the total analyzed units. Inadequate light intensities corresponded at 46% of Halogen lamps, and 12% of LED units. Likewise, 17% of units presented fiber fracture, while 52% showed residues of biomaterials on it. The predominant diameter in the units was
8mm, representing 65% of the total of light-curing lamps analyzed.
Conclusions: LED lamps presented adequate light intensities in higher proportion in comparison to halogen lamps. It was shown that the presence of fractures and residues decrease the intensity of the photocuring units. Furthermore, we indicate that a periodic control of the lightcuring units is necessary to prevent future problems in
oral treatments.